Your Quantified Body, Your Quantified Self

Your Quantified Body, Your Quantified Self

Related to one of my final project concepts of self-tracking or self-surveillance (and also in the same domain with project 1 – 2), I found an interesting radio program that changes my viewpoint towards self-tracking via wearable devices for quantifying our daily life. This episode criticizes the rising culture of self-tracking in line with quantified self by highlighting many cases that a high level of awareness of daily life induces anxiety in some ways, even makes people feel like they are in prison. This discourse made me raise new questions: How safe are the self-tracking devices and app? How safe is your quantified self?

On this week’s episode, you’ll hear from Natasha Dow Schull, author of a forthcoming book called “Keeping Track,” and technology writer/early self-tracker and writer Paul Ford. Schull’s research has involved spending quite a bit of time in the aisles of Best Buy, listening in on the hopeful, aspirational purchases. However – as new research begins to bear out – respondents in the long run tend to fall in two camps: people who get turned off by the idea of self-tracking and need to be convinced of its value, or those who like the idea but want better technology. In both cases, the stalwarts of this billion-dollar industry are listening very, very closely to figure out what consumers really want from this trend.

We’re curious too, though for different reasons. We’ve spent the last few months asking a whole lot of people to speak to their experiences of quantifying themselves using technology. We wanted the story you can’t tell from the big tech conferences or even hanging out in the aisles of Best Buy. So we asked our audience to weigh in (figuratively, of course) on what makes for “useful” health technology – what different sorts of health hacking have really done to their health.

Build up my language skill

Today, I spent my money to buy some educational stuff such as books and a printer.

I took an ESL class today, and I thought I have to build up my writing skill. Also, for recitation class, I have to develop my discussion ability too. Besides, I have had an intense need to read the text faster because there are a bunch of reading assignments. So, I bought these books to study by myself! Looking around a bookstore is always fun and inspires me a lot although it usually leads me impulse purchases.


Also…!! Another thing that I’ve needed is a printer! Even though I can use school printers with my printer money, It has been inconvenient for me to go there whenever I want to print some documents out. By getting this wireless printer machine, now I can print all my reading materials right away. Although I’ve got used to reading e-book on my digital devices. Reading a text on paper is easier to me.


All these things will make my literacy jobs easier!  I hope to develop my English skill up to a high level with these study mates!

Here, Parsons D+T is my ideal place.

IMG_3869Since I moved to NYC and have joined to Design & Technology MFA program in Parsons, I feel like that I found the exactly right place for me to learn that I’ve really wanted to study.

Also, I love the atmosphere, spirit and people in here. I’ve always dreamed of this kind of community. I’ll learn every new thing and develop myself as a creative coder and a interaction designer.

Thanks daddy and mom giving me this valuable opportunity to expand my horizon, thanks all people who boosted me up continue to learn! I’m truly happy because I’m surrounded by all that I like.

I can learn new things and just go for it. ‘Learn, Create, Explore.’ Now is the greatest time in my life and I’m heading to the other better future.